We Hold Safety at the Highest Priority
For all On the Dotte Weather Authority DotteSpotters, the following is an exerpt posted on this website for legal disclosure reasons. Please never compromise safety for the purpose of atmospheric science.
On the Dotte Weather Authority Non-Profit Corporate Bylaws
8.05 Emergency Procedures
...In an event that warning is issued, or anytime during an emergency situation, ODWA Administrators and officials should keep their safety in mind first. When taking shelter is ordered by the National Weather Service, all persons who are not trained [by the National Weather Service, SKYWARN® Spotter Program] spotters should follow said instructions. Weather spotters also need to keep themselves safe, but also be able to monitor the dangerous weather (if it is safe to do so). Spotters should NEVER risk their lives to make a report, spotters should use their training to survey the severity of the situation and take appropriate action. If the situation is too dangerous, SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY... Communication with any individual civilian should be limited to receiving critical storm reports only... Individual questions about the storm should not be answered via any source until the warning is lifted or the emergency situation has ended. Information being broadcast to the public should relate and pertain only to the situation at hand. Normal Operations may resume when the Warning or Emergency is lifted, granted that the situation does not escalate into a catastrophe.
Legal Disclosure

Have fun, Be safe, and Weather on!